Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Back On Track....(AGAIN)

Back on track. How many times have I said that in the past? Too many to count. I AM, however, back on track and want to work hard to make this last push to lose the rest of my weight. It's a LONG and HARD journey, but it will all be worth it in the end.

I've seen a recipe floating around on the WW boards forever for crockpot beef tips. I finally gave them a try and it's delish!! The actual recipe I used was http://www.laaloosh.com/2012/10/10/beef-tips-in-mushroom-sauce-crock-pot/. Her recipes are awesome so give them a try! I served my beef tips over no yolk egg noodles. YUMMO!

If only I could get my DH to try them...he hates mushrooms and refuses to pick them out and enjoy the beef tips and wonderful gravy. Oh well, more for me...LOL!

More later!

Connie B Print

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